What is the DRP? The University of Georgia Math Department's Directed Reading Program (DRP) offers enthusiastic, highly-motivated undergraduate math majors the opportunity to learn advanced math topics in a structured, graduate-school-like environment. Participants spend a semester on an independent math project under the supervision of a graduate student or faculty mentor. Projects often take one of the following forms: An introduction to a subject not covered by the departmental coursework. An in-depth reading of a particular theorem or set of theorems. A more advanced treatment of a standard subject. Expectations Undergraduate participants in the Directed Reading Program should be enthusiastic about learning advanced math. The only set prerequisite in terms of coursework is completion of the calculus series. Participants have the following responsibilities: Meet with your mentor once per week for at least an hour. Devote at least four hours outside of your meeting to your project each week. Give a presentation summarizing your work at the end of the semester. Graduate student mentors in the Directed Reading Program should be enthusiastic about sharing their love of math. Mentors should be finished with their qualifying exams. Mentors have the following responsibilities: Meet with your mentee once per week for at least an hour. Be prepared for your meeting each week. Attend the end-of-semester presentation evening. Apply to be a participant! Are you an undergraduate math major at UGA? Are you excited to learn more advanced mathematics? prepared to devote the required time and effort to a DRP project? finished with the calculus sequence? If so, you can apply to be a participant in the SPRING 2025 UGA Math DRP!The official deadline is JANUARY 19, 2025 Apply to be a mentor! Are you a graduate student in math at UGA? Are you interested in sharing your passion for math with undergraduate math majors? willing to devote at least one hour per week to a DRP project? finished with your qualifying exams? If so, you can apply to be a mentor in the Spring 2025 UGA Math DRP!The official deadline is January 12, 2025 Past Semesters Fall 2022 FlyerFall 2017 Flyer Spring 2018 Flyer Fall 2018 Flyer Other DRPs Below are some links to Directed Reading Programs at other institutions, many of which have extensive lists of past projects. The University of California, Berkeley University of Chicago University of Connecticut Indiana University The University of Maryland Massachusetts Institute for Technology Rutgers University The University of Texas at Austin Yale University Question? Comments? If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact Paco Adajar (paco@uga.edu), Matthew Zediker (Matthew.Zediker@uga.edu) or Dru Horne (dhorne8@uga.edu) Copyright © UGA Math DRP. All rights reserved. Design by Free Responsive Templates