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Major Programs

We are pleased to hear of your interest in the Mathematics Department at The University of Georgia. We are proud of the work we've done to enhance the mathematics offerings for excellent mathematics students at The University of Georgia, and the major is a demanding and versatile one. 

Majoring in Mathematics

The major in Mathematics at the University of Georgia is demanding yet versatile.  Students benefit from the individual attention afforded by typically small class sizes, taking courses in linear algebra, geometry, sequences, differential equations, multivariable calculus, topology, number theory, probability, and others.  Undergraduate research is encouraged and available through the Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities (CURO).  An active Math Club further supplements student learning and opportunity. 

There are three pathways through the math major: one can complete the general mathematics program or either of two areas of emphasis, in applied mathematics or financial mathematics.  All three versions share the same Area VI requirements (see below) which include Calculus II and III and Differential Equations, as well as the following core 3000-level classes:

  • Introduction to Higher Mathematics (MATH 3200)
  • Linear Algebra (MATH 3000 or MATH 3300)
  • Sequences and Series (MATH 3100)

(Students who complete the two-semester Multivariable Mathematics sequence (MATH 3500(H)/3510(H)) can have their linear algebra and MATH 3200 requirements waived.  Students considering taking MATH 3500 and MATH 3510 should first discuss with their advisor whether these very challenging courses are right for them.)

The additional upper level courses required in the three versions of the major are as follows:

General Mathematics:
  • MATH 4000 (Modern Algebra and Geometry I); 
  • one of MATH 4100 (Real Analysis), MATH 4150 (Complex Variables), or MATH 4250 (Differential Geometry);
  • three additional three-hour MATH courses at the 3000-level or above, subject to the exceptions listed below.  STAT 4510 (Mathematical Statistics I) can also be applied to this requirement, unless MATH 4600 (Probability) is taken. This requirement is not satisfied by any of MATH 3220, MATH 4801, MATH 4950, MATH 4960R, MATH 4970R, MATH 4980R, or MATH 4990R.  The only 5000-level courses that satisfy the requirement are MATH 5200 and MATH 5210.
Applied Mathematics:
  • MATH 4500 (Numerical Analysis I)
  • two of MATH 4600 (Probability), MATH 4700 (Qualitative Ordinary Differential Equations), and MATH 4720 (Partial Differential Equations).  STAT 4510 (Mathematical Statistics I) can be substituted for MATH 4600.
  • two additional three-hour MATH courses at the 3000-level or above, subject to the exceptions listed below.  STAT 4510 (Mathematical Statistics I) can also be applied to this requirement, unless MATH 4600 (Probability) is taken. This requirement is not satisfied by any of MATH 3220, MATH 4801, MATH 4950, MATH 4960R, MATH 4970R, MATH 4980R, or MATH 4990R.  The only 5000-level courses that satisfy the requirement are MATH 5200 and MATH 5210.
Financial Mathematics: 

The requirements of the major with the financial mathematics area of emphasis are:

  • FINA 3001 (Financial Management) and FINA 4310 (Survey of Investments);
  • MATH 4500 (Numerical Analysis I), MATH 4600 (Probability), and MATH 4790 (Mathematics of Option Pricing).  STAT 4510 (Mathematical Statistics I) can be substituted for MATH 4600.
  • one additional three- or four-credit hour mathematics course numbered 3000 or above, not including any 5000-level courses other than MATH 5200 or MATH 5210, or any of MATH 3220, MATH 4801, MATH 4950, MATH 4960R, MATH 4970R, MATH 4980R, or MATH 4990R. 
  • Note that FINA 3001 has a prerequisite of ACCT 2101 or ACCT 2101E or ACCT 2101H or ACCT 1160

It is strongly recommended that all mathematics majors complete 6 hours of coursework in a related field such as Computer Science, Physics, Statistics, Risk Management, or Management Sciences and Information Technology. You should also be aware that the university will require 15 hours further of 3000- and 4000-level elective courses. If you're not planning to take electives in mathematics or related subjects, you should plan ahead and have some ideas of how you will fulfill this requirement. Your advisors can help you choose the remaining courses to fit your interests and your career goals. 

University Requirements

Core requirements account for 60 of the 120 credit hours needed for graduation. There are three sources of these requirements, with significant overlap between the three sources:

System wide (see the Undergraduate Bulletin).

  • Area I     (FOUNDATION COURSES: 9 hours)
  • Area II    (SCIENCES: 7-8 hours)
  • Area III   (QUANTITIVE REASONING:  3-4 hours)
  • Area V    (SOCIAL SCIENCES: 9 hours)

Franklin College Requirements :

  • Foreign Language- proficiency through the third semester of study- overlap with Area IV
  • Literature –overlap with Area IV
  • Fine Arts/Philosophy/Religion (two courses)- overlap with Area IV
  • Biological Science –overlap with Area II
  • Physical Science- overlap with Area II
  • History- overlap with Area V
  • Social Sciences (two courses)- overlap with Area V
  • Multicultural 

Departmental (as in the Bulletin):

  • preferred courses for Core Areas II and III and constraints on Area VI choices.

Math majors will automatically fulfill the "basic math skills" requirement of Area I.  Three free elective hours will result if this is met by advanced placement or a course used in another core area.

Students should meet with their advisor to plan their coursework for fulfilling core and Franklin College requirements.

Core Area VI includes math and math-related courses that will prepare you for major-level classes. It comprises five courses which will typically break down as follows:

  • Calculus II (MATH 2260 or MATH 2310H)
  • Calculus III (MATH 2270, MATH 2500, or MATH 3500 and 3510)
  • Differential Equations (MATH 2700)
  • 2 additional courses chosen from the set {PHYS 1211, PHYS 1212, PHYS 1311, PHYS 1312, CSCI 1301, CSCI 1302, CSCI 1360, CSCI 2670, CSCI 2720, or STAT 4210, STAT 4520}.

We recommend that you do more than the minimum in the last category. There are several reasons for this:

  1. These courses provide opportunities to broaden and apply your mathematics experience.
  2. They prepare you for upper division courses to be used in satisfying the 39 hour rule.
  3. They add an extra dimension to your employability after graduation.

In particular, we recommend that most math majors desiring a "real world" job acquire experience with computer programming. The new physics sequence PHYS 1311(L)-1312(L) is particularly designed for students with a good mathematics background who want a more substantial, truly calculus-based experience with physics. As of now, the two-semester sequence starts in the spring semester.

The 39 hour rule states that you must take at least 39 semester hours of upper division courses to graduate. Since the Mathematics Major requires only 24 semester hours of MATH courses, this means that you will need to find 15 additional hours of upper division classes.

The easiest way to fulfill this requirement is to earn a minor in some other discipline. Of course, we encourage you to take mathematics courses beyond the required 24 hours and some students do. However, if you cannot handle that much math or are interested in a broader experience, you should explore other options.

Experiential Learning Requirement

Mathematics majors have a number of ways to satisfy the experiential learning requirement. Creative proposals from students are welcome: here are a few pathways, some of which are already have blanket approvals and some of which will need to be approved on a case-by-case basis.  See also for more information about experiential learning at UGA and other ways of satisfying the requirement.

  1. Mathcounts (approval needed).
  2. Serve as a DAE Peer Tutor for the tutoring Center in Milledge Hall. (approved, search "DAE Peer Tutor" on Engage).
  3. Serve as a Peer Learning Assistant through DAE.
  4. CURO Undegraduate Research Courses and Research assistantships.
  5. REUs and other research programs (approval needed).
  6. Internships (approval needed).
  7. Certain mathematics courses are approved as EL courses
    1. MATH 4802 Industrial Mathematics
    2. MATH 4950 Research in Mathematics
    3. MATH 4960R Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research 
  8. UGA-approved study abroad programs.

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